

Collision ViewerCollision

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Ghosting Calculator
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Furniture List
Furniture List

Void Catalog
Void Catalog

Grand Company Guide

Grand Company Guide


Click for item info!
Allied, Omicron
Hyper Hustle Trophy Dragonstar aux Marrons
Stuffed Sanduruva Stuffed Minduruva Stuffed Cinduruva
Ironfrog Keeper Watts's Sketches Dwarven Floor Lamp
Rainbow Hopping Rug Loporrit Material Supplier Permit Loporrit Junkmonger Permit Loporrit Mender Permit Loporrit Servingway Permit
Markworthy Mogsofa Dragon Floor Lamp
Stuffed Porxie Il Mheg Flower Lamp Macaron Cushion
White Scrips
Metal Work Lantern Wooden Work Lantern Alchemical Lantern
Company Credits
Onus of an Engineer Odin Miniature Bahamut Miniature The Antecedent A Northerly Wind Forever Friends
Tataru's Grand Endeavor
Beyond Gloam's Veil Love and Loss Wherewith We Learn Discernment Scion of Wisdom Scion of Valor Adventure Calls Business's Pleasure
Myths of the Realm
The Builder The Destroyer The Warden The Traders The Matron The Keeper
Bicolor Gemstone
Ancient Lamp Chair Hena Emperor Portrait Eitheirys Globe Garlean Stove Hannish Silk Rack Labyrinthos Warning Sign Nekropolis Table
Dyes (Unlimited)
Pure White Jet Black Metallic Gold Metallic Silver Pastel Blue Pastel Green Pastel Pink Pastel Purple
Housing Lottery
Bill of Contrition (S-1) Bill of Deep Contrition (M-1) Bill of Deepest Contrition (L-1)
Restricted furniture?
We have it!
Four Eternal
Lords Bond
Four Lords Eternity Cake
Hunt, HoH, Bozja
Stuffed Tonberry Empyrean Shrine Queen's Rest
FATE, Eureka
Stuffed Fox Altar to Pazuzu
Doman Enclave
Fool's Threshold Ame-zaiku Set Sake Set Doman Dogwood Enclave Map
Job Quest
Bard Display Crystal Black Mage Display Crystal Dragoon Display Crystal Monk Display Crystal Ninja Display Crystal Paladin Display Crystal Scholar Display Crystal Summoner Display Crystal Warrior Display Crystal White MageDisplay Crystal

Build A Puzzle
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No restrictions on your design!
Any Theme!
Any difficulty!

Fully funded FC room and furniture!
We'll fund your apartment too!
As many puzzles as you like!

Unlimited access to restricted furniture (all of it!)
Please make heavy use of it- as much as you like
We have also have a fully stocked full-access FC chest loaded with popular furniture, dyes & gil!

Quick-access to all housing vendors, furnishing storage, summoning bell & FC chest in the lobby!
Buy any furniture you want!
No waiting for crafting!

We can also host or port your puzzle if you want to skip making a character completely!.

Free rides to level 50!
1. Make a new character and unlock Sastasha
(~1 hour)
Check out the alt preparation guide video!

2. We'll carry you through the MSQ up until Ifrit
(~1 hour) and level you up to 50 (~2 hours)

3. Then we'll clear your entire GC log, grind your GC seals and run you through the GC dungeons (~1 hour)

4. Ready to build!